Bibhash Dash

Software Developer

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Hello World!

I am a Software Developer specialising in Front End Web Development. Self-taught owing to the vagaries of time under lockdown.

I love bringing ideas and designs to life on the web. My tech stack from professional and personal projects includes, HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Next JS, Vue JS, Tailwind CSS, .NET MAUI, C#, Kotlin, and even no-code platforms such as Webflow.

If you would like a taste of the work I have done please feel free to browse my projects. Got a question or just want to discuss a project of yours? Drop me an email.

In a previous professional life I've worked as a Sports Journalist (8 years), Asbestos Surveyor (3 years), and as a Project Leader in a charity (1.5 years)

When not wrestling div tags, I can be usually found enjoying family life with my wife and two kids in lovely East Yorkshire, and at other times wrestling against a hill on my bike.